
libinput-config on Fedora Silverblue

Posted 2022-12-21

libinput-config allows changing input settings that your Wayland compositor may not (e.g. scroll speed on Mutter).

  1. Download and build libinput-config:

    $ toolbox enter
    ⬢ $ sudo dnf install -y gcc libinput-devel meson
    ⬢ $ git clone https://gitlab.com/warningnonpotablewater/libinput-config.git
    ⬢ $ cd libinput-config
    ⬢ $ meson build
    ⬢ $ ninja -C build
    ⬢ $ mkdir -p ~/.local/lib64
    ⬢ $ cp build/libinput-config.so ~/.local/lib64
    ⬢ $ exit
  2. Add a unit override to load libinput-config (note this step is specific to Gnome):

    $ mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/org.gnome.Shell@wayland.service.d/
    $ cat <<EOF >> ~/.config/systemd/user/org.gnome.Shell@wayland.service.d/libinput-config.conf
  3. Edit /etc/libinput.conf and set your desired settings (see How to use).

  4. Log out and back in again.

Your settings should now be applied!